Accelerated Cancer Drugs with no benefit

Cancer drugs who had accelerated drug approval didnt improve patients lives nor extended their life. /so why were they approved in the first place?

Ozonated Olive Oil for Cancer

Make ozonated olive oil to a gelatin consistency Great article esp for open wounds ans GBM

Cancer : A foood borne illness

A Dcoumentary how ultra processed foods causes cancer

Lung Adenocarcinoma hijacker

EGFR mutated lung cancer cells manipulate lung macrophages to provide energy to itself. Blocking lipids using statins seems effective in countering this

Ketogenic diet isn’t good for all types of cancer

Unrestricted ketogenic diet increases ovarian cancer growth in mice.

Forever chemicals linked to cancer diagnosis

People with higher levels of plastics and petroleum based chemicals are at higher odds of having cancer.

CAR NK cell therapy

To. Make CAR T cell therapy more effective and less likely to develop cytokine storms, add NK cells

Testosterone therapy for Metastatic breast cancer

Case reports of testosterone implants with Aromatase inhibitors for metastatic breast cancers looks very promising

Coffee enemas and cancer

Dr Max Gerson advocated its use for pain and later on in cancer patients! Learn other MDs experience with coffee enemas

Chemotherapy ages you

Epigenetic changes in your DNA after chemotherapy literally ages you